Be An Active Neighbor
The Pinnacle Board of Directors would appreciate you taking an active interest in YOUR neighborhood. Please be on the lookout for things that need to be corrected around your building, the pool and clubhouse or any of the common areas in the neighborhood. There are and will be a number of committees that can use your help. If there's something you'd like to see get done or improved, contact a board member to let them know, and ask how you can be of assistance.
Listed below are links to some interesting articles regarding life in a condominium including some specific to The Pinnacle. Please take the time to read them.
Please read the following (Click on the title):
- A Condominium Presents an overview of the condominium concept. It was written by a former President of the The Pinnacle Association.
- Rights & Responsibilities This article from the COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS INSTITUTE addresses principles for homeowners and community leaders.
- Upstairs, Downstairs The emphasis of this article is on sound traveling from the second floor to the first.
- Building Component Responsibility (For Insurance purposes only) NOTE: The agency/agent information on this form is no longer applicable to our community.
- Owner vs. Association Responsibility Similar to the document above, this one has more details and guidelines specific to The Pinnacle.
- Pinnacle Elevator Advice This article will help you in case you get stranded in your developer installed elevator between floors.
- Collier County Tree Trimming This document details the regulations for tree care mandated by the Collier County Land Development Department.
- Walking on Roof Tiles This document from the Tile Roofing Institute details the correct method for walking on tile roofs and why it should be avoided.
On the Official Business page you will find links to our Rules and Regulations, and Resolutions passed by the Board of Directors.
Pinnacle Clubhouse Grill Use
We are fortunate to have a large Weber Genesis II grill at our clubhouse for the use of our residents. It is very important that the grill be used properly in order to avoid any accidents that could harm anyone. To help you with this, you will find links to two important documents that will guide you in the use of the grill. If you plan on using the grill, please take the time to familiarize yourself with these two documents.
Clubhouse Grill Guidelines (These are posted near the grill)
Weber Grill Users Manual (Selected pages)
Weber Grill Users Manual (Selected pages)
Clubhouse Cleaning Supplies
For your convenience, the following items have been placed under the sink in the clubhouse for cleaning up after an event: paper towels, some basic cleaning supplies, Windex, dishwasher soap, dish washing soap and sponges. (Please notify a Board member if any item is worn out or empty so it can be replaced.) If required, please supply your own dish towels and dish cloths, and remove them when you leave. Please do not use the supplied paper towels for drying dishes, only for cleaning table tops, etc.
Our clubhouse grills (gas & electric) are an amenity that a number of residents enjoy using, and I'm sure that no one wants to be greeted by a dirty grill when they go to use it. So, please be sure to clean the grill after each use. To help you do this, you will find some cleaning products in the cabinet under the electric grill. Please keep in mind the grates on the electric grill are coated and should not be scrubbed with anything abrasive.
Thanks for your cooperation, and happy grilling!
Our clubhouse grills (gas & electric) are an amenity that a number of residents enjoy using, and I'm sure that no one wants to be greeted by a dirty grill when they go to use it. So, please be sure to clean the grill after each use. To help you do this, you will find some cleaning products in the cabinet under the electric grill. Please keep in mind the grates on the electric grill are coated and should not be scrubbed with anything abrasive.
Thanks for your cooperation, and happy grilling!
Building Water Shut-off Valves
Each of our buildings has an emergency water shut-off valve located in an in-ground box towards the front of our alcoves. Years ago it was noted the boxes would get covered over with mulch and clippings from the trimming of shrubs. To help find the box, a length of white PVC pipe painted blue at the top was set in the ground next to each box. (See left photo.) Over the years the shrubbery has expanded its reach now making it difficult to access many of these boxes. As of June 25, 2020, the plan is to have these hedges trimmed to improve access to the valve box.
Because they are outside our buildings, these valves do not have handles. Most of them require a special long wrench. We have one and in order to make it accessible to all owners in case of an emergency, you can find the wrench inside the clubhouse under the fire extinguisher located in the northwest corner of the room. (See right photo.)
Because they are outside our buildings, these valves do not have handles. Most of them require a special long wrench. We have one and in order to make it accessible to all owners in case of an emergency, you can find the wrench inside the clubhouse under the fire extinguisher located in the northwest corner of the room. (See right photo.)
Going to Walmart?
If you are driving to Walmart, you can do yourself and your Strand neighbors a favor. If the light at Immokalee is red, get into the left lane. When the left arrow light turns green, turn left onto Immokalee and right into the Walmart lot. That saves you from having to wait for the green light to cross Immokalee and frees up the right lane for those who want to make a right turn while the light is red.
Pinnacle Reminders
Two important items to remember when driving on Pinnacle Lane:
The roadway on each side of the median is one-way! You, your guests, renters, and service people, should drive east on the south side of the median and west on the north side. In other words, the median should always be on your left.
BEAR ALLIANCE (from a Strand Master Newsletter)
In yet another cooperative venture with our neighbors, The Strand Master has teamed up with Mediterra, Talis Park, Barrington Cover, Imperial, Vasari, Quail West and Delasol regarding the bear problem in these neighborhoods. Representatives from these neighborhoods met with Senator Passidomo November 13th to make her aware that this has become a serious problem in our area. Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC) apparently does not have the resources to deal with the growing bear population but it is an issue that needs more intervention from our residents. If you would like to be part of this committee, please call Katy Wrede 431-7242 for more information. In the meantime, please do the following:
* Remove all feed from bird feeders
* Put garbage out in the morning - bears are attracted to ALL food sources
* Do not leave garage doors or lanais open, check screens regularly
* If you see a bear, PLEASE report it to FWC or the non-emergency number for the Collier County Sheriff to bring more attention to the problem
A reminder: There is absolutely no on-street parking allowed in the Pinnacle. (There is a sign at the entrance that this is a Tow-Away Zone). An exception is that service personnel may temporally park on the street—they must be gone by 6 PM. County emergency vehicles must be able to get through. Please remind your guests that they must park in the available off-street parking spots. Remember—a towing charge is about $280. to retrieve a towed vehicle..
PLEASE pick up after your pets with a baggie or a scooper. DO NOT put the waste or the bags in the street drains. These are not “sanitary sewers”. Those drains run directly into the lakes. We do not need this refuse added to our lakes. Also—renters or guests are not permitted to keep pets in the Pinnacle. (Explicitly stated in documents and lease applications).
A reminder: There is absolutely no on-street parking allowed in the Pinnacle. (There is a sign at the entrance that this is a Tow-Away Zone). An exception is that service personnel may temporally park on the street—they must be gone by 6 PM. County emergency vehicles must be able to get through. Please remind your guests that they must park in the available off-street parking spots. Remember—a towing charge is about $280. to retrieve a towed vehicle..
PLEASE pick up after your pets with a baggie or a scooper. DO NOT put the waste or the bags in the street drains. These are not “sanitary sewers”. Those drains run directly into the lakes. We do not need this refuse added to our lakes. Also—renters or guests are not permitted to keep pets in the Pinnacle. (Explicitly stated in documents and lease applications).